I am a junior PI (ISFP) in the Soda team at Inria Saclay. I am working at the intersection between statistical methods in causal inference and medical applications to provide relevant and potentially actionable insights for better patient care.
Before that, I was a post-doc in the Parietal team (now MIND) at Inria Saclay under the supervision of Bertrand Thirion and Julie Josse, working on causal mediation analysis, with an application to brain imaging in the UK Biobank.
I hold a PhD in Bioinformatics at the Center for Computational Biology from the Ecole Mines Paristech, and the RT2 Lab (tumor residue and response to treatment) at Institut Curie under the supervision of Jean-Philippe Vert and Fabien Reyal. I focused on the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data from cancer genomes.
I was trained both in Biology and in applied Mathematics and Machine Learning, and I dedicate my work to obtain relevant insights in both disciplines.
Email adress: judith [dot] abecassis (at) inria [dot] fr
twitter: @judithabk6
twitter: @judithabk6
ORCID: 0000-0002-5818-8304